Making of the Ukrainian Nation Museum
Virtual tour of the Making of the Ukrainian Nation Museum
The Making of the Ukrainian Nation Museum is the first innovative museum of Ukrainian history, where the past combined with modern technologies! You will see 25 exhibits featuring historic scenes with 100 absolutely realistic 3-D figures of national heroes. Each installation accompanied with interactive audio and video content, scents, virtual reality devices that plunge the visitor into the atmosphere of the corresponding era. Why to visit the museum? What you will be surprised with? The museum’s area is quite large - more than 1800 square meters and every bit and piece is amazing here: an exciting multimedia format, 100 unique figures of prominent Ukrainians from Princess Olga of ancient Rus to the famous contemporary singer Jamala. Each figure is an exquisite workmanship produced by sculptors by means of the latest innovative technologies and durable top quality. Costumes, weapons, accessories are handmade and produced according to the sketches approved by scientists. Thirty-seven scholars, forty scientific organizations, fifty-three museums and significant number of cultural and civic organizations joined the project and provided the museum’s exhibits with information and materials. It will take you only 2 hours to be acquainted with the 16-centuries-old history of the Ukrainian nation with the help of Media Guides in eight languages!
Gallery if the Making of the Ukrainian Nation Museum is located in Kyiv, 27 Lavrska Street. The entrance is from the back of the Motherland Monument.
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